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Next Steps to Make a Bequest Appeal 

Next steps to take if the benefits of making a bequest appeal to you: 

  • Review our suggested bequest language to determine what kind of bequest might be right for you. A bequest could be as simple as: 
  • “I give to CLASSICAL 98.1, having a principal place of business at 363 Street Suite 200, Seattle, WA, 98109, federal tax identification number 27-3067797, ____ percent of my total estate (or $_____, or other property) to be used or disposed of in its sole discretion as it deems appropriate.” 
  • Discuss your situation with your attorney. He or she can help you determine whether to make a bequest through a will, through an amendment to your existing will, or perhaps as a distribution from a living trust. 
  • Once you have arranged a gift, please let us know. We would be honored to know of your gift and have the opportunity to thank you and to make sure we can fulfill your wishes.   


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